The Writing on the Wall
My words but someone else’s handwriting
In the midst of lots of activity and people (probably sangha), I am writing on a wall (just as I have in both the blackboard dreams—see below). The wall is glass or another semi-opaque surface. Like in a French bistro, where they write the menu on mirrored walls.
I use black ink and realize I am writing in someone else’s hand. I cannot make out the words. The script is ornate, Asiany. The sumi ink spreads on the glass, unevenly seeping—quite beautiful.
[Now that I think about it I’m not sure they are even my words. Or perhaps I am struggling to make sure they are mine…yes, that is it. My words but someone else’s handwriting from my hand.]
Frustrated and bored that I am both doing this again
dreaming it again.
blackboard one—I was writing someone else’s words in my own handwriting on a blackboard in a dark schoolroom; as I wrote, my arm smudged the words into unreadability.
blackboard two—I have no idea. If and when I find it I will insert it here______________________.
Perec’s Dream No. 82: July 1971
“All I can find to write on is a very large sheet of paper, which forces me to write vertically, since the sheet is pressed up against one of the lobby walls. The short text I compose is particularly violent.”